Source code for djwebdapp_tezos.provider

from decimal import Decimal
import logging
import requests
import urllib

from django.db.models import Q, signals
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from pytezos.operation.result import OperationResult
from pytezos.rpc import RpcError

from djwebdapp.exceptions import PermanentError
from djwebdapp.models import Account, account_setup
from djwebdapp.provider import Provider

from djwebdapp_tezos.models import TezosTransaction

from pytezos import pytezos, Key

[docs]class TezosProvider(Provider): logger = logging.getLogger('djwebdapp_tezos') transaction_class = TezosTransaction
[docs] def generate_secret_key(self): key = Key.generate(export=False) return key.public_key_hash(), key.secret_exponent
[docs] def get_client(self, **kwargs): if self.wallet: kwargs['key'] = Key.from_secret_exponent( self.wallet.get_secret_key() ) return pytezos.using( shell=self.blockchain.node_set.first().endpoint, **kwargs, )
@property def head(self): return['level_info']['level'] def get_address(self): return self.client.key.public_key_hash()
[docs] def get_balance(self, address=None): return Decimal( self.client.account(address or self.get_address())['balance'] )
[docs] def index_level(self, level): block =[level] for ops in block.operations(): for number, op in enumerate(ops): for content in op.get('contents', []): self.index_content(level, number, op, content)
def index_content(self, level, number, op, content):'Indexing content {number}@{level} {op["hash"]}') # index content normally hash = op['hash'] if ( content['kind'] == 'origination' and 'metadata' in content ): result = content['metadata']['operation_result'] address = result['originated_contracts'][0] if ( address not in self.addresses and hash not in self.hashes ): # skip unknown contract originations return self.index_contract(level, op, content, number=number) elif ( content['kind'] == 'transaction' and ( content.get('destination', None) in self.addresses or hash in self.hashes ) ): self.index_call(level, op, content, number=number) else: # index internal transactions if necessary for internal_op in OperationResult.iter_contents(content): if ( internal_op.get('destination', '') in self.addresses or internal_op.get('source', '') in self.addresses ): self.index_call( level, op, content, number=number, ) break def index_contract(self, level, op, content, number):'Syncing origination {op["hash"]}') result = content['metadata']['operation_result'] address = result['originated_contracts'][0] contract = self.transaction_class.objects.get( Q(address=address) | Q(hash=op['hash']) ) contract.level = level contract.address = address contract.hash = op['hash'] contract.gas = content['fee'] contract.metadata = content contract.number = number contract.sender, _ = self.blockchain.account_set.get_or_create( address=op['contents'][0]['source'], blockchain=self.blockchain, ) contract.state_set('done') def is_implicit_contract(self, address): return len(address) == 36 and address[:2] == 'tz' def index_origination(self, level, hash, content, caller=None, number=None):'Syncing origination {hash}') originated_contracts = [] for originated_address in content['result']['originated_contracts']: contract, created = self.transaction_class.objects.get_or_create( address=originated_address, blockchain=self.blockchain, caller=caller, ) contract.level = level contract.hash = hash contract.gas = content.get('fee', 0) contract.metadata = content contract.nonce = content.get('nonce', -1) contract.sender = self.get_account(content['source']) contract.number = number contract.state_set('done') originated_contracts.append(contract) return originated_contracts def get_account(self, address): sender = Account.objects.filter( address=address, blockchain=self.blockchain, ).first() if not sender: sender = Account.objects.create( address=address, blockchain=self.blockchain, index=False, ) return sender def index_transaction(self, level, hash, content, caller=None, number=None):'Syncing transaction {hash}') counter = caller.counter if caller else content.get('counter', None) # figure destination contract destination_address = content['destination'] if self.is_implicit_contract(destination_address): # this transaction targets an account contract = None receiver, _ = Account.objects.get_or_create( blockchain=self.blockchain, address=destination_address, ) qs = receiver.transaction_received else: # this transaction targets a contract receiver = None contract = self.transaction_class.objects.filter( blockchain=self.blockchain, address=destination_address, ).first() if not contract: contract = self.transaction_class.objects.create( blockchain=self.blockchain, address=destination_address, index=False, number=number, ) qs = contract.call_set.select_subclasses() call = qs.filter( hash=hash, nonce=content.get('nonce', -1), counter=counter, # we shouldn't take the level into account # when filtering due to confirm transactions # that "overide" the level in djwebdapp.provider.index # level=level, <-- don't uncomment this ).first() if not call: call = self.transaction_class( hash=hash, counter=counter, contract=contract, receiver=receiver, blockchain=self.blockchain, nonce=content.get('nonce', -1), amount=int(content.get('amount', 0)), state='held', caller=caller, number=number, level=level, ) # update call call.metadata = content call.sender = self.get_account(content['source']) # patch against empty args in pytezes if 'parameters' in content: call.function = content['parameters']['entrypoint'] method = getattr(contract.interface, call.function) args = method.decode(call.metadata['parameters']['value']) if args == call.function: call.args = [] else: if call.function not in args: call.args = args else: call.args = args[call.function] # save and return call call.state_set('done') return call def index_call(self, level, op, content, number=None):'Syncing transaction {op["hash"]}') operations = [op for op in OperationResult.iter_contents(content)] internal_operations = operations[1:] source = self.index_transaction( level, op['hash'], content, number=number, ) internal_transactions = [] for operation_content in internal_operations: if operation_content['kind'] == 'transaction': if 'destination' in operation_content: internal_transaction = self.index_transaction( level, op['hash'], operation_content, source, number=number, ) internal_transactions.append(internal_transaction) if operation_content['kind'] == 'origination': if 'originated_contracts' in operation_content['result']: internal_originations = self.index_origination( level, op['hash'], operation_content, source, number=number, ) internal_transactions += internal_originations return source
[docs] def transfer(self, transaction): """ Execute a transfer transaction. """ """ rpc error if balance too low : RpcError ({'amount': '120000000000000000', 'balance': '3998464237867', 'contract': 'tz1gjaF81ZRRvdzjobyfVNsAeSC6PScjfQwN', 'id': 'proto.006-PsCARTHA.contract.balance_too_low', 'kind': 'temporary'},) """ tx = self.client.transaction( destination=transaction.receiver.address, amount=transaction.amount, ).autofill().sign() result = self.write_transaction(tx, transaction) return result
[docs] def deploy(self, transaction): if not self.client.balance(): raise ValidationError( f'{transaction.sender.address} needs more than 0 tezies') elif not self.wallet.revealed: try: self.client.reveal().send(min_confirmations=1) except RpcError as exc: if len(exc.args) > 1: raise if not exc.args[0]['id'].endswith('previously_revealed_key'): raise self.wallet.revealed = True self.logger.debug(f'{transaction}.deploy(): start') if transaction.kind == 'contract': self.originate(transaction) elif transaction.kind == 'function': self.send(transaction) elif transaction.kind == 'transfer': self.transfer(transaction) else: transaction.error = f'Unknown transaction kind {transaction.kind}' transaction.state_set('failed') return transaction.sender.last_level = self.head'{transaction}.deploy(): success')
def originate(self, transaction): tx = self.client.origination(dict( code=transaction.micheline, storage=transaction.get_args(), )).autofill().sign() self.write_transaction(tx, transaction) def write_transaction(self, tx, transaction): origination = tx.inject( _async=False, ) transaction.level = self.head + 1 # it'll be in the next block transaction.gas = origination['contents'][0]['fee'] transaction.hash = origination['hash'] transaction.counter = origination['contents'][0]['counter'] def send(self, transaction): self.logger.debug( f'{transaction}: counter = {self.client.account()["counter"]}' ) ci = self.client.contract(transaction.contract.address) method = getattr(ci, transaction.function) try: args = transaction.get_args() if isinstance(args, dict): tx = method(**args) else: tx = method(*args) if transaction.amount: tx = tx.with_amount(transaction.amount) except ValueError as e: raise PermanentError(*e.args) self.write_transaction(tx, transaction)
[docs] def download(self, target): """ Import transactions from tzkt for a contract """ api = self.blockchain.configuration.get( 'tzkt_url', '', # default indexer? ) url = f'{api}/v1/operations/transactions?' url += f'&target={urllib.parse.quote(target)}' url += f'&level.le={self.head - 1}' contract, _ = self.transaction_class.objects.get_or_create( blockchain=self.blockchain, address=target, ) def get(offset, limit): return requests.get(url + f'&offset={offset}&limit={limit}').json() def yield_operations(): offset = 0 limit = 10_000 while data := get(offset, limit): for operation in data: if operation['type'] != 'transaction': continue if operation['status'] != 'applied': continue yield operation offset += limit total = 0 operations = dict() for operation in yield_operations(): total += 1 # generate a key for the operation group key = ( operation['level'], operation['hash'], operation['counter'], operation.get('nonce', 0), ) operations[key] = operation # disable automatic refresh of balances to speed up the whole process signals.pre_save.disconnect(account_setup, sender=Account) # we're also going to cache Account objects accounts = dict() # fetch all calls we already have in DB calls = { (call.level, call.hash, call.counter, call.nonce): call for call in self.transaction_class.objects.filter( contract=contract, state__in=('confirm', 'done'), ) } number = 0 for key in sorted(operations.keys()): number += 1 level, hash, counter, nonce = key self.logger.debug(' '.join(( f'[{number}/{total}]', hash, f'level={level}', f'counter={counter}', f'nonce={nonce if isinstance(nonce, int) else -1}', ))) if key in calls: continue # let's not update for now operation = operations[key] if operation['sender']['address'] in accounts: sender = accounts[operation['sender']['address']] else: sender, _ = Account.objects.get_or_create( address=operation['sender']['address'], blockchain=self.blockchain, ) accounts[sender.address] = sender function = operation['parameter']['entrypoint'] args = operation['parameter']['value'] for key, value in args.items(): try: args[key] = int(value) except ValueError: continue call = self.transaction_class( blockchain=self.blockchain, contract=contract, sender=sender, level=level, hash=hash, counter=counter, nonce=nonce if isinstance(nonce, int) else -1, kind='call', function=function, args=args, metadata=operation, gas=operation['gasUsed'], ) call.state_set('done') # reconnect Account signal signals.pre_save.connect(account_setup, sender=Account)