Source code for djwebdapp.models

import binascii
import datetime
import importlib
import networkx
import os
import time
import traceback
import uuid

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q, Max, signals
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from fernet_fields import EncryptedTextField
from model_utils.managers import InheritanceManager

from picklefield.fields import PickledObjectField

SETTINGS = dict(
        ('djwebdapp_tezos.provider.TezosProvider', 'Tezos'),
        ('djwebdapp_ethereum.provider.EthereumProvider', 'Ethereum'),
        ('djwebdapp.provider.Success', 'Test that always succeeds'),
        ('djwebdapp.provider.FailDeploy', 'Test that fails deploy'),
        ('djwebdapp.provider.FailWatch', 'Test that fails watch'),
SETTINGS.update(getattr(settings, 'DJBLOCKCHAIN', {}))

[docs]class Account(models.Model): """ A blockchain account. .. py:attribute:: name Optionnal name for this account. .. py:attribute:: description Optionnal description for this account. .. py:attribute:: created_at Automatic datetime of the creation of this account in the database. .. py:attribute:: updated_at Automatic datetime of the last update of this account in the database. .. py:attribute:: address Account address on the blockchain. .. py:attribute:: blockchain Foreign key to the :py:class:`~Blockchain` model this account is related to. .. py:attribute:: balance Decimal balance of this account, updated by the :py:meth:`~refresh_balance()` method. with the `refresh_balances` management command. Uses .. py:attribute:: owner Foreign key to your User model which owns this account, if any. .. py:attribute:: secret_key djfernet encrypted private key of this account. This is used to sign transactions. The secret key **must** be set with the :py:meth:`~set_secret_key()` method. A secret key is generated automatically by the :py:func:`account_setup()` function *if* the account is not created with a :py:attr:`address`. .. py:attribute:: counter Counter of transactions sent from this account. .. py:attribute:: last_level Last block level when a transaction was sent from this account. .. py:attribute:: index Boolean to indicate wether the indexer should index all transactions or not. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100, null=True, blank=True, ) description = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, ) created_at = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, auto_now_add=True, ) updated_at = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, auto_now=True, ) address = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, null=True, ) blockchain = models.ForeignKey( 'Blockchain', on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) balance = models.DecimalField( max_digits=80, decimal_places=18, blank=True, editable=False, default=0, ) owner = models.ForeignKey( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, ) secret_key = EncryptedTextField() revealed = models.BooleanField(default=False) counter = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True) last_level = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True) index = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Wether the indexer should index all transactions or not', ) objects = InheritanceManager() class Meta: unique_together = ( ('blockchain', 'address'), ) def __str__(self): """ Return given name or address or id. """ return or self.address or @property def provider(self): """ Return a Provider instance for this wallet. The :py:attr:`~Blockchain.provider_cls` returns the class that will be used. """ return self.blockchain.provider_cls(wallet=self)
[docs] def refresh_balance(self, commit=True): """ Refresh the balance of this account. Using :py:meth:`~djwebdapp.provider.Provider.get_balance()`, it will update :py:attr:`~balance` field and save the model. Then, return the :py:attr:`~balance`. :param commit: Needs to be True for this method to actually save the model. """ new_balance = self.blockchain.provider.get_balance(self.address) if new_balance != self.balance: self.balance = new_balance if commit: return self.balance
[docs] def set_secret_key(self, value): """ Set the encrypted secret key. :param value: The secret key to set. """ self.secret_key = binascii.b2a_base64(value).decode()
[docs] def get_secret_key(self): """ Returns the account binary secret key. """ return binascii.a2b_base64(self.secret_key)
[docs]@receiver(signals.pre_save, sender=Account) def account_setup(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Initial account setup, pre_save signal. If the :py:class:`Account` is created with a :py:attr:`~Account.secret_key` and without any :py:attr:`~Account.address` and the :py:attr:`Blockchain.provider` supports it, then it will fetch the :py:attr:`~Account.address` automatically. If the :py:class:`Account` is created without an :py:attr:`~Account.address` nor a :py:attr:`~Account.secret_key` then it is considered that you are creating a new wallet and the :py:meth:`djwebdapp.provider.Provider.generate_secret_key()` method will generate a py:attr:`~Account.secret_key`. If the :py:attr:`~Account.balance` is not set at all, then it will be set with the :py:meth:`~Account.refresh_balance()` method. """ if instance.secret_key and not instance.address: if hasattr(instance.provider, 'get_address'): # for providers which support it instance.address = instance.provider.get_address() elif not instance.address and not instance.secret_key: instance.address, secret_key = \ instance.blockchain.provider.generate_secret_key() instance.set_secret_key(secret_key) if not instance.balance: instance.refresh_balance(commit=False)
[docs]class Blockchain(models.Model): """ Class to represent a blockchain. .. py:attribute:: name Name of the blockchain. .. py:attribute:: provider_class Provider class to use for this blockchain. .. py:attribute:: is_active Boolean to indicate wether this blockchain is active or not. .. py:attribute:: description Optionnal description for this blockchain. .. py:attribute:: unit Unit name of the blockchain, ie. eth, xtz... .. py:attribute:: unit_micro Unit name of the smallest unit of the blockchain, ie. wei, mutez... .. py:attribute:: index_level Highest indexed level. .. py:attribute:: min_level Lowest indexed level .. py:attribute:: min_confirmations Number of confirmation blocks from confirm to done states. .. py:attribute::configurations JSON field to store blockchain specific configurations. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100, ) provider_class = models.CharField( max_length=255, choices=SETTINGS['PROVIDERS'], ) is_active = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Check to activate this blockchain', ) description = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text='Free text to describe the blockchain to users', ) unit = models.CharField( max_length=15, help_text='Unit name, ie. btc, xtz...', ) unit_micro = models.CharField( max_length=15, help_text='Unit name, ie. satoshi, mutez...', ) index_level = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=None, blank=True, null=True, help_text='Highest indexed level', ) min_level = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=None, blank=True, null=True, help_text='Lowest indexed level', ) min_confirmations = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=2, help_text='Number of confirmation blocks from confirm to done states', ) configuration = models.JSONField( default=dict, blank=True, ) def __str__(self): return @property def provider_cls(self): """ Return the imported provider class. """ parts = self.provider_class.split('.') mod = importlib.import_module('.'.join(parts[:-1])) return getattr(mod, parts[-1]) @property def provider(self): """ Return a fresh instance of the provider class bound to self. """ return self.provider_cls(blockchain=self)
[docs] def wait(self): """ Wait for all transactions to be confirmed by min_confirmations blocks. For use in between spool and index calls: .. code-block:: python blockchain.provider.spool() blockchain.wait() blockchain.provider.index() """ index_level = self.transaction_set.filter( state='confirm', ).aggregate( index_level=Max('level') )['index_level'] if not index_level: return # no transaction to wait. self.wait_level(index_level + self.min_confirmations)
[docs] def wait_level(self, level): """ Wait for the blockchain head to reach a given level. """ while self.provider.head < level: time.sleep(.1)
[docs] def wait_blocks(self, blocks=None): """ Wait for the blockchain head to advance a number of blocks. """ blocks = blocks or self.min_confirmations self.wait_level(self.provider.head + blocks)
[docs]class Node(models.Model): """ Blockchain node that we can use to query. .. py:attribute:: blockchain Foreign key to the :py:class:`~Blockchain` model this node is related to. .. py:attribute:: name Node name, generated from endpoint if empty. .. py:attribute:: endpoint Node endpoint to query. .. py:attribute:: is_active Boolean to indicate wether this node is active or not. .. py:attribute:: priority Nodes with the highest priority will be used first. """ blockchain = models.ForeignKey( 'Blockchain', on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) name = models.CharField( max_length=100, help_text='Node name, generated from endpoint if empty', ) endpoint = models.URLField( help_text='Node endpoint to query', ) is_active = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Check to activate this node', ) priority = models.IntegerField( default=0, help_text='Nodes with the highest priority will be used first', )
class Explorer(models.Model): """ Blockchain explorer we can use to generate external links. .. py:attribute:: blockchain Foreign key to the :py:class:`~Blockchain` model this explorer is related to. .. py:attribute:: name Explorer name, generated from url template if empty. .. py:attribute:: url_template URL template to generate the explorer link. .. py:attribute:: is_active Boolean to indicate wether this explorer is active or not. """ blockchain = models.ForeignKey( 'Blockchain', on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) name = models.CharField( max_length=100, help_text='Explorer name, generated from url template if empty', ) url_template = models.CharField( max_length=255, null=True, blank=True, ) is_active = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Check to activate this explorer', )
[docs]class TransactionManager(InheritanceManager): """ Manager for the :py:class:`Transaction` model. This Model Manager overrides `get_or_create()` and `update_or_create()` to handle parent foreign keys dynamically. """ @property def parent_fk_column(self): """ Return the name of the foreign key to the parent. """ return self.model._meta.get_ancestor_link( self.model._meta.get_parent_list()[0] ).name
[docs] def find_or_create(self, lookup_attributes, defaults=None): """ Find or create a transaction model. """ instance = self.filter(**lookup_attributes).first() if not instance: instance = self.model( **lookup_attributes, **(defaults or {}), ) instance.save_base(raw=True, force_insert=True) instance.refresh_from_db() return instance, True return instance, False
[docs] def update_or_create(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Same as Django's, with dynamic parent fk handled. """ if ( self.parent_fk_column not in kwargs and f'{self.parent_fk_column}_id' not in kwargs ): return super().update_or_create(*args, **kwargs) defaults = kwargs["defaults"] del kwargs["defaults"] lookup_attributes = kwargs instance, created = self.find_or_create(lookup_attributes, defaults) if created: return instance, created for key, value in defaults.items(): setattr(instance, key, value) return instance, False
[docs] def get_or_create(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Same as Django's, with dynamic parent fk handled. """ if self.parent_fk_column not in kwargs: return super().get_or_create(*args, **kwargs) if instance := self.find_or_create(kwargs): return instance instance = self.filter(**kwargs).first() return instance, False
[docs]class Transaction(models.Model): """ Transaction superclass, base for all blockchain-specific classes. .. py:attribute:: normalizer_class Name of the :py:class:`~djwebdapp.normalizers.Normalizer` subclass to call to normalize blockchain transactions for contracts subclassing this model. .. py:attribute:: id UUID primary key. .. py:attribute:: created_at Datetime when the transaction was created. .. py:attribute:: updated_at Datetime when the transaction was last updated. .. py:attribute:: name Optional free label name. .. py:attribute:: description Optional description text. .. py:attribute:: blockchain Foreign key to the :py:class:`~Blockchain` model this transaction is related to. .. py:attribute:: level Level of the blockchain when the transaction was send. .. py:attribute:: hash Transaction hash. .. py:attribute:: counter Transaction counter. Used to avoid replay attack. This counter is filled by the blockchain provider. .. py:attribute:: nonce Transaction nonce. Used to order transactions in the same block. .. py:attribute:: gasprice Gas price used to send the transaction. .. py:attribute:: gas Number of gas used to send the transaction. .. py:attribute:: last_fail If the transaction failed, this field contains the datetime of the last failure. .. py:attribute:: max_fails Number of failures to retry before aborting transaction. .. py:attribute:: has_code If the transaction is a contract creation, and the transaction contains the deployed contract code, this field is set to True. .. py:attribute:: metadata This field contains the metadata of the transaction. .. py:attribute:: normalized Enabled when transaction is normalized. Set True by the :py:meth:`~Transaction.normalize` method. .. py:attribute:: state Status of the transaction. By default, the transaction is in the `deploy` state. When the transaction is indexed, the state is set to `done`. The state is updated by the :py:meth:`~state_set` method. .. py:attribute:: error If the transaction failed, this field contains the error message. .. py:attribute:: history History of the state of the transaction associated with the datetime of the state change. .. py:attribute:: amount Amount send by the transaction if there is. .. py:attribute:: args Arguments, appliable to deployments or method calls. .. py:attribute:: address Contract address, appliable to method calls. .. py:attribute:: function Function name, if this is a method call. .. py:attribute:: sender Sender :py:class:`~Account` that send the transaction. .. py:attribute:: receiver Receiver :py:class:`~Account` , if this is a transfer. .. py:attribute:: kind Kind of transaction. Can be `contract`, `function` or `transfer`. .. py:attribute:: index Boolean to indicate wether the indexer should index all transactions or not. .. py:attribute:: contract Smart contract related to this transaction, appliable to method call transactions. .. py:attribute:: caller Transaction that called this one, if any. .. py:attribute:: target_contract In your own subclasses for function calls, this should be an FK to the contract subclass, then :py:meth:`save()` will provision :py:attr:`contract` from the parent model of the target contract. .. py:attribute:: entrypoint In your own subclasses for function calls, this should be the name of the function that corresponds to the subclass, for example, FA12TezosMint.entrypoint is set to the `"mint"` string. Then, :py:meth:`save()` can provision :py:attr:`function` from that. .. py:attribute:: contract_name In your own subclasses for contract transactions, this should be the name of the file that contains smart contract code, without extension. The file must be in the sub-directory `contracts` of the django app of the model. """ normalizer_class = None entrypoint = None target_contract = None contract_name = None id = models.UUIDField( primary_key=True, editable=False, default=uuid.uuid4 ) created_at = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, auto_now_add=True, ) updated_at = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, auto_now=True, ) name = models.CharField( help_text='Free label', max_length=100, null=True, blank=True, ) description = models.TextField( help_text='Free description text', null=True, blank=True, ) blockchain = models.ForeignKey( 'Blockchain', on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) level = models.PositiveIntegerField( db_index=True, null=True, blank=True, ) hash = models.CharField( max_length=255, null=True, blank=True, ) counter = models.PositiveIntegerField( null=True, ) nonce = models.IntegerField( default=-1, ) number = models.IntegerField( default=None, blank=True, null=True, ) gasprice = models.BigIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, ) gas = models.BigIntegerField( blank=True, null=True, ) last_fail = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, ) max_fails = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=10, help_text='Number of failures to retry before aborting transaction', ) has_code = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Checked if this transaction has smart contract code.', ) metadata = models.JSONField( default=dict, blank=True, ) STATE_CHOICES = ( ('held', _('Held')), ('deleted', _('Deleted during reorg')), ('aborted', _('Aborted')), ('deploy', _('To deploy')), ('deploying', _('Deploying')), ('retry', _('To retry')), ('retrying', _('Retrying')), ('confirm', _('Deployed to confirm')), ('done', _('Confirmed finished')), ) normalized = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Enabled when transaction is normalized', ) state = models.CharField( choices=STATE_CHOICES, default='deploy', max_length=200, db_index=True, ) error = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) history = models.JSONField(default=list) states = [i[0] for i in STATE_CHOICES] amount = models.DecimalField( max_digits=80, db_index=True, decimal_places=18, blank=True, default=0, ) args = PickledObjectField( default=None, null=True, blank=True, help_text='Arguments, appliable to deployments or method calls', ) address = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, null=True, db_index=True, help_text='Contract address, appliable to method calls', ) # This relation is actually in blockchain specific subclasses. # contract = models.ForeignKey( # 'self', # on_delete=models.CASCADE, # related_name='call_set', # null=True, # blank=True, # help_text='Smart contract, appliable to method call', # ) function = models.CharField( max_length=100, db_index=True, null=True, blank=True, help_text='Function name, if this is a method call', ) sender = models.ForeignKey( 'Account', related_name='%(model_name)s_sent', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) receiver = models.ForeignKey( 'Account', related_name='%(model_name)s_received', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, help_text='Receiver address, if this is a transfer', ) kind = models.CharField( db_index=True, blank=True, null=True, max_length=8, choices=( ('contract', 'Contract'), ('function', 'Function call'), ('transfer', 'Transfer'), ) ) index = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Wether the indexer should index all transactions or not', ) objects = TransactionManager() class Meta: unique_together = ( 'blockchain', # 'level', ?? 'hash', 'counter', 'nonce', ) ordering = ['-created_at'] def __str__(self): if return str( elif self.kind == 'contract' and self.address: return self.address elif self.hash: return str(self.hash) elif self.function: return f'{self.function}()' elif self.amount: if getattr(self, 'unit_smallest', None): return f'{self.amount}{self.unit_smallest}' else: return f'{self.amount}' else: return str(
[docs] def state_set(self, state): """ Set :py:attr:`~state` attribute and save it to the :py:attr:`~history`. """ if state == 'done': confirmed_level = self.level + self.blockchain.min_confirmations head = self.blockchain.provider.head if confirmed_level > head: f'Set {self} to confirm instead of done' ) state = 'confirm' self.state = state self.history.append([ self.state, int('%s')), ]) f'{self}.state={state}' )
@property def provider(self): """ Return the blockchain's :py:class:`~djwebdapp.provider.Provider`. """ return self.blockchain.provider
[docs] def deploy(self): """ Deploy the transaction. Wrapper around the :py:meth:`djwebdapp.provider.Provider.deploy()` method to deploy this trasnsaction. In case of exception, it will log the exception, set :py:attr:`last_fail`, and count the number of deploy attempts in :py:attr:`history`. If the deploy attempts count is above the :py:attr:`max_fails` field, then set :py:attr:`state` to `aborted`, otherwise, set it to `retry`. """'Deploying {self}') self.state_set('deploying') try: self.sender.provider.deploy(self) except Exception: self.sender.provider.logger.exception('Deploy fail') self.last_fail = deploys_since_last_start = 0 for logentry in reversed(self.history): if logentry[0] == 'deploying': deploys_since_last_start += 1 elif logentry[0] == 'aborted': break if deploys_since_last_start >= self.max_fails: message = f'Aborting because >= {self.max_fails} failures,' self.error = ' '.join([ message, 'last error:', self.error or '', ]) self.state_set('aborted') else: self.state_set('retry') raise else: self.last_fail = None self.error = '' self.state_set('done')
# indexer is supposed to place it in done
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Save the transaction in the database. Sets :py:attr:`kind` based on the attributes of this transaction and :py:attr:`blockchain` from the :py:attr:`sender` automatically. Also, provision :py:attr:`~function` and :py:attr:`~contract` from :py:attr:`~entrypoint` and :py:attr:`~target_contract`. """ # those would be defined by subclasses self_contract = getattr(self, 'contract', None) self_target_contract = getattr(self, 'target_contract', None) if not self_contract and self_target_contract: self.contract = self.target_contract if not self.function and self.entrypoint: self.function = self.entrypoint if not self.kind: if not self.function and not self.receiver_id: self.kind = 'contract' elif self.function: self.kind = 'function' elif self.amount: self.kind = 'transfer' if not self.blockchain_id and self.sender_id: self.blockchain_id = self.sender.blockchain_id if not self.blockchain_id and self.contract_id: self.blockchain_id = self.contract.blockchain_id return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_args(self): """ Return the arguments of the transaction. """ return self.args
[docs] def dependency_graph(self): """ Return the dependency graph this transaction is part of, if any. """ dependency = Dependency.objects.filter( Q(dependent=self) | Q(dependency=self) ).first() if dependency: return dependency.graph
[docs] def dependency_add(self, transaction): """ Add a transaction that must be deployed before this one. :param transaction: The transaction that must be deployed before this one. """ graph = self.dependency_graph() or self dependency, _ = Dependency.objects.get_or_create( dependency=transaction, dependent=self, graph=graph, ) return dependency
[docs] def dependency_get(self): """ Return the transaction that must be deployed before this one. """ dependencies = Dependency.objects.filter( graph=self.dependency_graph(), ).exclude( dependent__state='done', ).select_related('dependency') graph = networkx.DiGraph() for dependency in dependencies: if dependency.dependency.state == "done": graph.add_node(dependency.dependent_id) else: graph.add_edge( dependency.dependency_id, dependency.dependent_id, ) topological_sort = [node for node in networkx.topological_sort(graph)] if len(topological_sort): tx_id = topological_sort[0] tx = Transaction.objects.filter( id=tx_id, ).select_subclasses().first() return tx
[docs] def normalizer_get(self): """ Return the normalizer class for this transaction. """ if isinstance(self.normalizer_class, str): from .normalizers import Normalizer return Normalizer._registry[self.normalizer_class] elif self.normalizer_class: return self.normalizer_class
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Method invoked when normalizing a transaction. By default, this relies on :py:attr:`~djwebdapp.models.Transaction.normalizer_class` """ contract = self.contract_subclass() if not contract: return normalizer = contract.normalizer_get() if not normalizer: return try: normalizer.normalize(self, contract) except Exception: self.sender.provider.logger.exception('Exception in normalization') self.error = traceback.format_exc() self.last_fail = else: self.normalized = True self.error = '' self.last_fail = None
@property def contract_path(self): if not self.contract_name: raise Exception('Please contract_name') return os.path.join( self._meta.app_config.path, 'contracts', self.contract_name, )
[docs] def contract_subclass(self): """ Return the subclass of the `.contract` relation. """ if self.kind == 'contract': return Transaction.objects.get_subclass( if not self.contract_id: return try: return Transaction.objects.get_subclass(pk=self.contract_id) except Transaction.DoesNotExist: pass
[docs]@receiver(signals.post_save) def dependency_graph(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ If the transaction is a contract call, then add the contract as dependency. """ if isinstance(instance, Transaction): # contract_id are defined in blockchain specific subclasses # getattr here prevents AttributeError: 'Transaction' object has no # attribute 'contract_id' if instance.function and getattr(instance, 'contract_id', None): instance.dependency_add(instance.contract)
[docs]class Dependency(models.Model): """ A dependency between two transactions. When a transaction is deployed, it is checked if it has a dependency. If it does, the transaction is not deployed, but the dependency is checked instead. If the dependency is deployed, the transaction is deployed. Otherwise, the transaction is not. .. py:attribute:: dependent The :py:class:`~djwebdapp.models.Transaction` that depends on the :py:attr:`~dependency` one. .. py:attribute:: dependency The :py:class:`~djwebdapp.models.Transaction` that is required to be deployed before the :py:attr:`~dependent` one. .. py:attribute:: graph The :py:class:`~djwebdapp.models.Transaction` that this graph was created for. This is used for performance reasons, to not have to load the full dependency table for every transaction. .. py:attribute:: created_at The time the dependency was created. .. py:attribute:: updated_at The time the dependency was updated. """ dependent = models.ForeignKey( 'Transaction', on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) dependency = models.ForeignKey( 'Transaction', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='dependent_set', ) # This serves purely for performance, to not have to load the full # dependency table for every transaction. graph = models.ForeignKey( 'Transaction', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='graph', help_text='The transaction this graph was created for', ) created_at = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, auto_now_add=True, ) updated_at = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, auto_now=True, )